Ranjit Kumar, hailing from Rajpur village in Kapurthala district, is a shining example of unwavering perseverance. Born to Chaman Lal and Nirmala, Ranjit has overcome numerous challenges to make a significant mark in the Punjabi music industry.
Starting his career with self-released photography, Ranjit quickly transitioned to video direction, gaining recognition for his exceptional talent. He has directed music videos for popular songs such as Karma's "Topper," Jatinder Dhiman's "Sher Putt," and Singh Jeet's "Gane Tere," solidifying his reputation in the industry.
Ranjit emphasizes the importance of hard work and determination in achieving success. "An artist who wants to make a name for himself in the music industry should work hard, then success will follow him," he advises. His journey, marked by resilience and dedication, serves as an inspiration to aspiring artists.
With several projects set for release in the coming months, Ranjit Kumar continues to push the boundaries of creativity in the Punjabi music scene. His story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the rewards it brings.