Chandigarh: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday was in Chandigarh to inaugurate 24*7 water supply project for Manimajra. However, the opposition party leaders of Aam Aadmi Party and Congress including MP Manish Tewari, Mayor Kuldeep Kumar, and MC councillors remained absent in this major function.
Even to receive Amit Shah at the venue, few BJP councillors along with MC Commissioner Anindita Mitra were present. MP Manish Tewari and Mayor Kuldeep Kumar's absence was notable there.
From BJP, elected councillors, controversial Anil Masih and former MP Kirron Kher attended the event. Other dignitaries who were present at the event are UT Administrator and Punjab governor Gulab Chand Kataria and Rajya Sabha MP Satnam Sandhu.
The home minister was in the city to inaugurate 24*7 water supply project for 1 lakh residents of Manimajra.Amit Shah would also chair a meeting on the implementation of new criminal laws at the Chandigarh Secretariat here.