Chandigarh : Haryana BJP has initiated a "Jan Samvad" campaigning program in the State for the upcoming assembly polls. Union Minister and BJP leader Kishan Pal Gujjar on Monday said, "Senior state leaders in 90 seat constituencies will go to three constituencies each, which means one leader will be given three constituencies and the program will go on till Haryana election till the end of this month."
Leaders and in-charges of Haryana have been given the responsibility to hold public dialogue with the people and give information about the public interest schemes of the government.
The public dialogue program started on Sunday and will continue till the Haryana elections. There will be door to door events and separate programs will be organized for the women and youth.
The government will make all the answers to the questions related to the beneficiaries available to the public domain. An introduction booklet will also be prepared which will be distributed among the people. Farmers, women and youth are going to be the focus of the party during the "Jan Samvad" program.
As per information from officials, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Amit Shah are likely to participate at the end of the program. BJP President JP Nadda is also most likely to visit the state after 15 days to boost the morale of the cadres. Small meetings, door-to-door campaigns and big rallies will be held.
Additionally, the BJP is also set to launching the 'Jan Ashirwad' yatra across the assembly constituencies in the state. The comprehensive outreach program will feature prominent figures, including Union Ministers, national leaders, and state-level politicians, who will visit and engage with residents in each constituency.
Through these interactions, the BJP hopes to garner widespread support and blessings from the people of Haryana. BJP has stepped up their campaigning in the state of Haryana for assembly polls
Each leader will be spending a few days in assembly constituencies party which had already decided to fight the elections under the leadership of Nayab Singh Saini will take forward the good work done by his government.